Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Days of Me Day Two

Question two
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name

I think my blog name is pretty obvious , the name was my original one when i was employed , I am still technically a working mom , just on stress leave at the moment from my employer as I am burnt out

As a single working parent with two amazing children the every day things that most people take for granted when they are working and a parent are challenges

I am different for a working mum , as a solo working parent. I have found out recently i dont fit all the usual demographics , I work I am white and my ex doesnt have a hell of lot to do with his kids

For me the support of a partner to take the kids when you have had the day from hell as customers have been abusing you or threatening to commit suicide or you are dealing with a business going under and you are seeing someones dreams being torn away from them
or the understanding of an employer who knows where you are coming from or recognize that you are under stress due to their responses/workloads they place on you even though you have told them over the past few years in so many ways , these are what you cannot escape from when you get home as you change the role straight away to mum , this can create additional challenges , but my viewpoint is more from the point of the standard working parent , even though I havent updated for a lonng time , I guess this blog thing may give me the kick up the ass to redo my blogging more often

So thats why the name , and onto tomorrow ...

1 comment:

  1. The working mum thing.. its the beginning of the day that got/gets me everything you have to do before you can even think about heading to work... take care.
